House Names
The purpose of this page is to show all properties with names (rather than numbers) in the Community Council area. Properties on Hafod Road which are actually in Gwernaffield and Pantymwyn CC are also included as well as the school, Village Centre, pubs and restaurants. It is a work in progress so not all properties are added.
Below is a list of properties followed by a map of the area. By selecting a property either from the map icon or from the list, it will appear by itself on a map; the URL is available in your browser address bar which can then be selected to show your property's location on a map for visitors, delivery drivers etc.
If you would like to add any additional information to assist location of your property then this can be included and will appear in the Address entry.
Other details, including photographs can be shown - see entries for Plas Hafod and Swan Inn.
You may also like to include any interesting facts about your property such as its history and the origin/translation of the name; these will appear in the Details window.
Any such comments, requests (eg to carry a photo) or errors - please send to /feedback .
Click on an icon to show the property name or scan the list below.