The Gwernymynydd and Cadole Community Council consists of elected members representing all of the people in the villages. The Council seeks to represent the views and concerns of the residents of the villages and seeks to identify local needs and priorities.
The Village Centre produces a free newsletter that is delivered to each home. A Community Development Plan was produced in 2012 and revised in 2024.
The Community Council meets ten times a year on the last Thursday of each month (with the exception of August and December). The meetings, which begin at 7.00pm, are held in the Village Centre and members of the public may attend.
Those who have opinions about particular matters under consideration are invited to contribute to the debate although the right to vote is restricted to elected members.
There is an introductory guide here to being a Community Councillor produced by the Welsh Government. A shorter locally produced summary is here
Click on the photograph for background information on each member. (Any member wishing to update their entry please do so initially via /feedback .)